Yes it’s canabis. No, it won’t get you high. Our products differ from marijuana by the close to zero levels of THC within them. We believe in the powerful effects that a plethora of cannabinoids within our plants have to naturally improve the every day functionality between the mind and body.
GET THE 411Dirt is in our name and at the heart to what we tend to. We are dedicated to principles of regenerative agriculture that focus on creating healthy, living soils to increase biodiversity and even sequester carbon.
We grow, harvest, buck, trim and dry our own hemp flower directly on our farm in Southern Vermont. We store, process and package at our operations studio in Vermont, as well. We developed an industry leading hemp storage facility and operational best practices, taking painstaking efforts to constantly monitor and adjust temperature, humidity, light and oxygen to maintain the perfect environment to cure and store our whole flower, resulting in optimal CBD potency, trichomes, color and terpenes.